موضوع تعبير عن الهجرة بالانجليزي

موضوع تعبير عن الهجرة بالانجليزي

موضوع تعبير عن الهجرة بالانجليزي، والتي باتت محط اهتمام الكثير من الشبان والعائلات في الآونة الأخيرة، وخاصة مع تفاقم الصراعات والخلافات بين الدول، وكثرة الفقر والجوع في معظم البلاد، فالهجرة بالنسبة لهم هي الحل الأمثل للحصول على حياة هانئة ومستقرة، وعبر هذا المقال ضمن موقع ويكي الكويت سوف نتناول نماذج موضوع انجليزي عن الهجره بالعناصر.

موضوع تعبير عن الهجرة بالانجليزي

تُعرف الهجرة على أنها انتقال الأفراد من موطنهم الأصلي إلى موطن جديد لا يحملون جنسيته، وتكون الهجرة بقصد الدراسة أو البحث عن الأمان والاستقرار، أو للبحث عن فرص أفضل للعمل، كما أنّ عدم توفر هذه الأشياء في الموطن الأصلي من الأسباب التي تدفع الفرد للتفكير بالهجرة والابتعاد عن الوطن، وعبر موضوعنا التالي سنتحدث عن الهجرة وأسبابها وأثرها على الفرد والمجتمع باللغة الإنجليزية.[1]

الموضوع الأول

في معظم الأحيان يلجأ الفرد إلى الهجرة بعد أن يفقد الأمل من وطنه، وذلك من أجل مستقبله ومستقبل عائلته وذويه يجد في السفر والاغتراب حلًا يُناسب الجميع، وكذلك أيضًا الخوف على النّفس من العنف والقتل جراء الحروب والخلافات، وعلى الرغم من العواقب التي تعود عليه نتيجة الوحدة والشوق للأحبة، إلّا أنّه يفضلها على ذلك لعدم توفر أي عامل يشجعه على البقاء في الوطن، ومن خلال التالي سنتحدث عن موضوع الهجرة باللغة الإنجليزية وبالعناصر كاملة.

  • المقدمة

The phenomenon of migration and departure has existed far from the original homeland since the dawn of human history, and this was due to several different reasons, which made it closely related to human life, as it is the means that man resorts to in search of better standards of life, and an escape from a miserable reality and a place in which he could not Securing good living conditions for him and his family, so that migration is his way to achieve hopes, aspirations and goals in the new home to which he migrates.

  • العرض

Immigration is one of the necessities that various individuals seek at the present time as a result of poor living conditions, the large number of disputes and conflicts between countries, the spread of poverty and hunger, and the large number of natural disasters in some countries. Better make him able to secure the necessities of life in an easier way, and in return get a good financial income that makes him able to secure the necessities of living, as well as increase his experience and competence.

Although there are some consequences and negatives that result from migration, whether for the individual or the expelling or hosting country, it is still a target for most young people whose countries have not been able to secure suitable job opportunities for them, and pay wages that enable them to provide all their necessities, so you find young people traveling far from home. Their country leaving their relatives and families, which makes them feel lonely and depressed, but they believe that this is better than feeling hungry and helpless in their country, which in turn leads to a shortage of labor in the country of origin, and the loss of scientific and intellectual minds, in addition to population inflation in the host country, and the mixing of cultures And the norms.

In order to reduce the phenomenon of migration, there must be alternatives in the original homes of peoples, by allowing investors to establish projects and companies that contribute to increasing job opportunities for young people, as well as providing them with adequate wages commensurate with the living requirements, in addition to paying attention to important privileges such as housing, transportation and health insurance. To enhance feelings of belonging to the country.

  • الخاتمة

It can be considered that immigration is an opportunity for many to improve their certificates and living conditions, but it is not a solution that suits everyone because there are many negatives resulting from it. Therefore, it is the duty of states to provide a suitable environment for citizens, and to secure adequate opportunities for them in various fields of work and study, in addition to facilitating the means of marriage for all. Youth to provide support and assistance through allocating youth associations.

الموضوع الثاني

لم تكن الهجرة يومّا من الأيام حلمًا أو طموحًا يسعى إليه الفرد، لكن الظروف الصعبة تفرض عليه ذلك، فليس هناك أحد يرغب بالابتعاد عن الوطن الذي عاش فيه طفولته كلّها بين أقرانه وأهله وجيرانه، وتركهم دون القدرة على الاطمئنان عليهم ورؤيتهم في كل صباح ومساء، وفيما يلي موضوع تعبير عن الهجرة باللغة الإنجليزية مستوفيًا العناصر.

  • المقدمة

Migration can be defined as the movement of a person from his country of origin to another country in search of study or to find an opportunity to live in a better way. Migration was and still is the only way for many people who did not find in their homeland the possibility of a good life. Developing countries are among the most attractive countries. of immigrants, which represents up to a third of the world’s immigrants.

  • العرض

Although there are many consequences that follow immigration as a result of leaving the homeland and moving away from family and loved ones, it is considered an appropriate solution to improve the living situation, or to obtain an educational certificate that gives the immigrant many opportunities for good work and obtaining a prominent position in society, as there are many homelands that It still cannot secure all the necessary rights and requirements for all its citizens, which prompts them to think about traveling and emigrating far away, which is one of the most prominent reasons for emigration, and it is also possible for emigration to be internal or external, and in both there are positive and negative things that accrue to the individual, the country of origin, and the host. Therefore, it is very necessary for countries to work to secure the necessities of their children and the basic necessities of life in order to preserve their youth from emigration and alienation far away, leaving the homeland devoid of thinking and working youth, and therefore that country will be dominated by poverty and underdevelopment due to the lack of labor in it.

  • الخاتمة

It can be considered that emigration is a person’s opportunity to improve his living situation, after he has lost hope of finding a suitable job opportunity, that would make him able to secure all his necessities and the necessities of a decent life, or in order to obtain the security and stability that his country lacks as a result of conflicts and wars, so he must The state shall ensure a suitable environment for its children, in addition to providing job and study opportunities in accordance with the living conditions in the country.

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  1. ^britannica.com , immigration , 16/01/2023